Join us for the final event of the Short Stay Week and the Scale Rentals Show as we host up to property management companies interested in meeting with prospective investors and those acquiring operators. Learn first-hand how to realistically value your STR company as well as meet prospective investors interested in acquiring new property management operators. This is a private two-hour networking session dedicated to short-term rental operators interested in acquisition and consolidation. STR operators managing properties interested in finding out how to value their companies and mingle with investors and acquirers.
¡ALAS llega a la Antártida!
In the dynamic world of interior design, providing personalized solutions has become a cornerstone of creating meaningful spaces that resonate with clients on a profound level. As technology continues to evolve, Artificial Intelligence AI emerges as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way designers approach their craft. AI empowers designers with powerful algorithms capable of analyzing client preferences, lifestyle patterns, and design choices to generate customized recommendations.
Опухлики озеро Байкал остров Муху. Милена Тверь. Милена Рускеала. Хотела бы отметить одну деталь. Экскурсовод не давал, так скажем, лайфхаки во время экскурсии. К примеру, во время технической остановке на заправке нам было сказано, что есть только один туалет именно на этой заправке.
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Some very talented young people have kindly lent their award-winning short film to the Hello, How Are You? The students were given the task of expressing what mental health means to them through the medium of their choice. The students made a short movie, directed by the very talented Dmitrijs with Cathal and Evan in the main roles. They also made a display depicting a wall as a barrier to talking about your feelings and a garden of hope depicting where one can turn to for help. Brian, Fionn and Ciaran wrote an amazing speech about the stigmas attached to mental health, the importance of talking and sharing your feelings, the facts and figures associated with male mental health. Eu et tellus vestibulum taciti et sit, nunc enim ipsum donec aliquam vitae, per mauris, amet ultrices.
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